Tag Archives: recipes

Authentic Green Chimichurri

Authentic Green Chimichurri   Healthy and Low in Sodium! Just this past weekend, my mom and I went to an AMAZING vegetarian Indian restaurant in Santa Barbara. The aromas were delightful and the food, just as beautiful. I remember us talking about how delicious the chimichurri was and wondering how they got the flavors so […]

New Pantry Essential: Coconut Milk Powder

This irreplaceable ingredient is friendly for vegan, paleo, raw and low-carbohydrate diets alike and can used in a wide variety of recipes. Not only is Coconut Milk Powder delicious, but it is also amazing for healthy brain function and may even be helpful in loosing weight! Benefits of Raw Coconut Milk: ~Healthy fats for the […]

Fruit of Fall: Persimmons

Fruit of Fall Written By: Ashley M. Norris We are so glad that these juicy, delicious fruits are back in season! Not only do they taste super amazing but they are also overflowing with wonderful health benefits. Loaded with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, as well as Vitamin C & Vitamin A. They also contain a tumor […]

Heal Yourself: Turmeric Tonic


This elixir is what so many bodies are yearning for not only in just the winter months, but year round. This tonic is a synergistic blend of some of natures most powerful healing properties. Sooth yourself with the warming and anti-inflammatory effects of ginger and turmeric, as well as the digestive benefits of fresh squeezed […]

Bountiful Morning Breakfast Tostada


The other morning we were all making breakfast and I ended up making a hodgepodge which wound up tasting like the most delicious, fresh, mexican tostada ever… You know how they say the most precarious of creations can sometimes be the best ones? Well, this is a prime example.   Ingredients 1 organic corn tortilla, […]

Cold Season Smoothie


This smoothie contains the following ingredients that have shown to be beneficial for colds and flu: Oranges: If you have been exposed to a lot of stress lately, it has been shown that an increase of vitamin C can reduce your likelihood of coming down with a cold or flu by up to half. Clementines: Just one […]

Vegan Chewy Almond Spice Cookies For Santa!!!


Chewy Almond Spice Cookies Makes about 2 dozen 2 tablespoons finely ground chia seeds 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons warm water 2 1/2 cups finely ground almond meal/flour 1/2 cup coconut flour 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground […]

Soy Sauce and Brown Sugarnot Marinade


Ingredients 1½ pounds salmon fillets lemon pepper to taste garlic powder to taste salt to taste ⅓ cup soy sauce ⅓ cup of palm sugar ⅓ cup water ¼ cup olive oil   Instructions Season salmon fillets with lemon pepper, garlic powder, and salt. Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, water, and vegetable oil until sugar is […]

Raw Vegan Tacos


Raw Plantain Tortilla Wraps: 12–14 small plan­tains. I’ve been using the shorter plan­tains that are about 5–6 inches in length, so if you are about to make this recipe with the long plan­tains, take this into con­sid­er­a­tion. Also, if you are a lit­tle short on plan­tains, you can always sub­sti­tute a few for just reg­u­lar […]