Tag Archives: Organic

Green, Lean, Anti-Aging Machine

Mastering your health can feel like a mess, and in this day and age of so much information, it can be difficult to know where to start. Whether you are a wellness pro or just dipping your feet into a newer YOU, you’ll find that what the pros swear by is always their GREENS. The […]

Authentic Green Chimichurri

Authentic Green Chimichurri   Healthy and Low in Sodium! Just this past weekend, my mom and I went to an AMAZING vegetarian Indian restaurant in Santa Barbara. The aromas were delightful and the food, just as beautiful. I remember us talking about how delicious the chimichurri was and wondering how they got the flavors so […]

8 Lifestyle Habits to Stay Slim

Walk – Doctors recommend you walk 10,000 steps per day. Buying a pedometer or tracking on your smart phone can help you track these steps. It can also be a fun game to play to make your walking mark. It will keep you engaged and active. Walk Faster – It burns more calories, increases your […]

Misconceptions About Being Vegan

How many times have you heard “vegans don’t get enough protein”? Or that “being vegan takes so much work!” So many misconceptions about veganism have been conceived due to the lack of knowledge on the subject. These misconceptions have been drawn out far too long! For one, not all vegans are healthy. What you put […]

Gluten Free, Vegan and Organic Stir Fry


noodles: 1 16-ounce package of kelp noodles, Kelp noodles come ready to eat, no need to cook. You just need to rinse them as well as tossing them in the stir fry! Sauce: 1/4 cup gluten-free tamari 1/4 cup vegetable broth 1 tablespoon coconut sugar 1-2 teaspoons sriracha sauce 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar 1 […]

Eating for the Season


Nothing is better than nourishing yourself with fresh, organic and local produce. There are many reasons to embrace this fashion of eating, a few of them being that locally and seasonally grown food is more nutritious for you and your family, kinder to the environment, tastier, and supprisingly most of the time, can be easier […]

Easy to Follow Tips for the Everyday


Changing your dietary habits isn’t hard. No, really! It isn’t! It involves a few simple steps to rewire how your brain responds to the food you have been feeding it. It’s tricking yourself from yourself. How is this done? Adding more Raw Vegan Organic foods sounds intimidating, but all it really means is adding live, […]

Organic Fresh Apple Walnut Milk


Here’s an easy, delicious twist on nut milk: Walnut milk! Get a good dose of magnesium, antioxidants (ellagic acid), omega 3′s, melatonin AND vitamin E in this easy to make recipe. Your bones, brain and heart will thank you.   Soak 2 cups of organic walnuts till soft in equal parts water, drain, strain and […]

Superfood Organic Spirulina Salad


Leafy greens are an essential energy source. They provide the necessary are the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. They are a wellspring of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins. They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, […]