Celandine is a herbaceous perennial or biennial plants that has a thick fleshy root and likes damp rich soil. It grows from two or three feet tall, has a round slender stem that is rather hairy and has many branches. There are 5 to 7 yellowish-green leaflets to a stem, they are rather large and resemble that of an oak. The joints of stems and branch are rather swollen and break very easily. When any joint or branch is broken it gives off a bright orange-colored juice. This orange juice has a nauseous taste and a strong pungent or disagreeable odor. This juice will stain most anything, including your hands and it is very acid and a powerful irritant.
Celandine in a weak dose used as tea stimulates and regulates the secretion of bile, stimulates gallbladder tonus (improves bile flux) is an important hepatoprotective, helps in normalization of bilirubin and cholesterol, help of renal lithiasis is analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor and last but not least, acts as a sedative and narcotic higher nerve centers.
• Externally, it is used as healing, antibacterial and antifungal. It is used as an adjuvant in: wounds, fistulas, dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic skin infections, warts, keratitis, skin tumors.