Want to build strong bones? Did you know that it’s not just Calcium but over 20 different nutrients that are crucial to build the foundation of our bodies, that over half the population suffers from bone loss, that over 50,000 women a year die from fractures related to osteoporosis, more men will suffer from the most deadly fractures in the coming years than even women, and that kid’s bone breaks have skyrocketed with a 36 to 50% increase in the last few years? Clearly our foundation is crumbling! Although we ingest more calcium than most any other country, we still have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis. Why do those who ingest the most of one of the top RDA’s have some of the highest rates of bone loss? If you are currently taking supplements from rocks, shells, stones and/or chalk (which most are), you may want to think again and read this book. You’ll find your answers and how to have strong bones, better hormone balance and weight management, happier moods, more glue to hold your body together, less reliance on synthetic drugs & supplements and radiant health. The program includes:
- “The Truth About Calcium” book, by Catie Norris (Natural answers for a crumbling nation’s epidemic of osteoporosis. Also includes fast, easy and tasty calcium-rich recipes)
- The Truth about Calcium DVD/CD
- French Country “Food and Symptom Chart” (Details nutrients needed and supportive foods for a multitude of symptoms)
- Catie’s 15 Minute Whole Body Bone Building Program (A comprehensive exercise poster for the most vulnerable bones) (Also available with a 3 month supply of Catie’s Raw Vegetable Calcium)
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