Ingredient Benefits:
Organic Alfalfa: Can help lower cholesterol. A study of 15 people found that on average, eating 40 grams of alfalfa seeds per day decreased total cholesterol level by 17% and the “bad” LDL cholesterol by 18% after just 8 weeks.
Organic Spearmint Leaf: Can help with digestive upset, hormone imbalances, is high in antioxidants, can help reduce facial, chest and abdomen hair on women, may improve memory, lower blood sugar and fight bacterial infections.
Organic Sea Buckthorn: Is a fruit that is high in B1 and B2 vitamins as well as folic acid and health Omega fatty acids. It also contains amino acids which are incredibly helpful in synthesizing protein.
Organic Holy Basil: Is an adaptogen which assists your body in dealing with stress and promoting mental balance. Nettle Leaf: Contains several B vitamins, essentials minerals, healthy fats any more. Nettle may reduce inflammation, may treat enlarged prostate symptoms. It also may support your liver against toxins, heavy metals and inflammation. It is also a natural diuretic.
Organic Moringa: Is a very rich source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is a significant source of Vitamin A, C, E, calcium, potassium and protein. It also supports brain health and protects the liver.
Organic Asparagus: Is packed with vitamins and minerals, including: vitamins A, C, E, K, B6. It also has folate, copper, iron, calcium, protein and fiber! It’s a great option for those looking to lose weight and it also helps prevent infections in the urinary tract.
Watercress: Is high in calcium, folate, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, sodium, vitamin C, A and zinc.
Sunflower Lecithin (Choline): Lecithin is essential for your body and sunflower lecithin is rich in choline. Assists in raising good and lowering bad cholesterol. Can be helpful for breastfeeding. Can help improve digestion, especially in those diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. May also be beneficial in fighting dementia symptoms since the brain uses choline to communicate.
Organic Licorice Root: Is often used to soothe intestinal issues, such as; heartburn, food poisoning and stomach ulcers. It may also help with stress and give the adrenal glands some relief.
Organic Shiitake Mushroom: May help promote skeletal strength, weight loss, anti-inflammation, skin health, good digestion, heart health, diabetes management and hair health! It is also potentially beneficial in fighting certain cancers.
Organic Spinach: Is high in a host of B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. Has been known to decrease oxidative stress, improve eye health, aid in regulating blood pressure and may assist in cancer prevention.
Lemon: Is a great source on vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. It can support weight loss, can improve your skin and aids in digestion. The Citrate actually can make urine less acidic may actually break up small kidney stones.
Coriander: Helps promote liver function and health bowel movements, and is helpful for diabetes patients in possibly assisting in lowering blood sugar. It can also helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well as arthritis. It also has high amounts of iron which can be helpful in treating anemia.
Magnolia Bark: Has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for along time and has been known to help sleep disorders, ease anxiety, and to treat allergies and asthma.
Organic Sprouted Chickpeas: Are filled with minerals and vitamins as well as high sources of plant protein.
Organic Cayenne: May help boost your metabolism, can help curb hunger and may help lower blood pressure. It may also be helpful alleviating pain as it is anti-inflammatory. Studies have also shown that capsaicin may sloth growth of cancer cells.
Organic Fenugreek: May provide appetite control, can lower cholesterol, has shown anti-inflammatory benefits and interestingly enough, a 14 day study showed that consuming fenugreek herbal tea helped increase breast milk production.
Yellow Dock: Can help support hormone balance, digestion, blood sugar balance, skin health and more.
Witch Hazel: Can help fight against acne, reduces inflammation and skin irritation.
Royal Jelly: Anti-inflammatory, can be helpful with PMS, may help with blood sugar levels.
Paba Cornsilk: Has been medicinally used for bladder infections and inflammation in the urinary tract. Also has been used to reduce inflammation in the prostate, kidney stones and wetting the bed. It is also good for the heart, blood pressure and fatigue.
Organic Carrot: High in vitamin A. Good for the skin, eyes and liver.
Bee Pollen: Very high in B vitamins, and has been known to be great for immunity and natural energy.
Our products Do Not contain any:
- Wheat
- Corn
- Artificial Sweetners
- Sucrose
- Alcohol
- Yeast
- Gluten
- Salt
- Dairy
- Egg
- Coloring
- Stabilizers
- Maltodextrins, Pesticides or any other Artificial Ingredients. Non-GMO.
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